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A Letter from Our Founder

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“We’re Stronger Together” One had better die fighting against injustice than die like a dog or a rat in a trap." - Ida B. Wells.
      This powerful quote from Ida B. Wells, a trailblazer in the fight for civil rights and social justice, resonates deeply with our mission at Brothers Building A Better Nation (BBABN). Her unwavering commitment to justice and equality inspires us every day as we work to empower young men from BIPOC backgrounds. At BBABN, we believe in the strength and potential of every young man we serve. Our journey is fueled by a shared vision of dismantling systemic barriers and providing the support necessary for these young men to thrive. Over the years, we've made significant strides, thanks in large part to your incredible support.Through our mentorship programs, mental health services, educational support, and employment assistance, we've helped countless young men overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. Each success story is a testament to the resilience and determination of these individuals, as well as the power of community.However, as our reach expands, so does the need for our services. Every day, we receive calls from young men facing new challenges—whether it's overcoming mental health struggles, navigating educational barriers, or seeking stable employment. These young men are full of potential, but they cannot achieve their dreams alone, and neither can we.We are stronger together. Your continued support is the lifeline that enables us to sustain and grow our programs.
 With your help, we can:
 Expand Mentorship Opportunities: Connecting more young men with role models who can guide them towards brighter futures.
Enhance Mental Health Services: Providing comprehensive support to those struggling with mental health issues.
Boost Educational Resources: Ensuring access to quality education and necessary tools for academic success.
Offer Emergency Assistance: Providing immediate relief to families facing crises and uncertainty.
 Your contributions, whether financial, volunteer time, or advocacy, are vital to our mission. Every donation helps us to continue making a meaningful difference in the lives of young men in our community. To support our efforts, please visit our donation page at []( Your generosity will pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future for all.Thank you for believing in the vision of BBABN and for standing with us. Together, we can break down barriers, uplift our community, and empower the next generation of leaders.With deep appreciation,Quadeer Porter
Executive Director
Brothers Building A Better Nation (BBABN)
Support our cause and make a difference by donating to our organization.


           In his 1884 book The Parables of Jesus, James Wells narrates a story that beautifully encapsulates the essence of human kinship. A little girl, straining under the weight of a baby boy she carries, responds to a query about her burden with innocence and sincerity: "No, he's not heavy; he's my brother." This sentiment, echoed in Ralph Waldo Trine's 1918 publication, The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit, and immortalized in the title of a column by Roe Fulkerson in 1924, speaks volumes about the profound bonds of brotherhood.


These words have since become a rallying cry for me, especially in the creation of Brothers Building A Better Nation (BBABN). Our organization was born from the ashes of tragedy and the resilience of a community determined to uplift each other. Founded during the challenging times of the 2020 pandemic in Newark, New Jersey, BBABN emerged from simple, yet profound community needs—safety, sustenance, dignified work, and companionship.


One of the catalysts was a conversation with Rayshawn Peteet, a young man recently released from prison who tragically lost his life shortly after trying to change it. His story, and those of many like him, underscored the dire need for support and direction. This loss propelled me to ask the young men in my community, "What do you need to survive?" The answers were straightforward yet profound, ranging from a safe place to sleep to meaningful work that instilled pride.

As we brainstormed a name for our initiative, we settled on Brothers Building A Better Nation. It wasn't just about physical construction; it was about reconstructing lives, forging paths from the streets to opportunities, from despair to hope. We envisioned men once bound by their circumstances becoming integral contributors to the community, skilled in trades that build and maintain the very fabric of our society.

This is not just an invitation; it is a call to action. For those who have stumbled, for those who have soared—the doors of BBABN stand open. Your past does not define you here; only your willingness to support and be supported marks you as a brother in this great endeavor.

Brothers, let us build—not just a better nation, but a sanctuary of hope and resilience. Let us be the architects of our own destiny, the masons of a foundation laid on empathy, justice, and brotherhood.